5 Easy Transportation-themed Activities To Do With Your Preschoolers

  1. Count the different modes of transportation you see while traveling.

    • Road Trip! Next time you’re on the road with the kids, whether just going down the street or heading off for a far-away vacation, have your kids count the number of different types of transportation they see and call them out. Keep score, and whoever names the most at the end of the journey gets a treat or gets to skip a chore!

  2. Have them design their own dream car.

    • Will it do time travel? Will it fly or go underwater? Have your kids put their creative skills to use by imagining their own dream vehicle and drawing it on paper! Take this fun activity a step further and bring their exciting creations to life with household items like cardboard, empty milk jugs/cartons, glue, scissors and more, with the help of an adult.

  3. Make paper airplanes.

    • Here’s a classic! Have your kids create, and even color, their own paper airplanes. Once their airplanes are complete, let them take flight and see whose travels the furthest!

  4. Build a (toy) car wash.

    • All play doesn’t have to be messy! Grab some toy cars, an old toothbrush and dish soap, and (with adult supervision) have your kids lather up and rinse their vehicles like in a real car wash. Not only is this a great opportunity for dramatic play, but kids will also learn the importance of keeping things clean so they operate their best.

  5. Role-play an airport traveling experience.

    • Ready for check-in? For this activity you’ll need a couple suitcases and some imagination. Use some paper to make your tickets and have a “TSA agent” check your luggage before you board. Grab some snacks for the flight and don’t forget to thank the pilot once you land!


Transportation-themed Crafts For Kids


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